This House Becomes a Home || Mexico Day 3

{my husband's story}

Our final day in Puerto Penasco. Breakfast and worship at 7:00 AM per usual. We depart our basecamp with the realization that this is our last day with the family and that the house will be completed and become a home. We arrive at the new residence and begin to lay the final layer of stucco on the home. For those of you who have known me for an extended period of time you can attest that I am not the most artistically inclined individual. However I found my artistic calling when it came to laying the stucco. My strategy was simple, first observe and take mental notes as the others laid the stucco and then practice the technique. As we finished up with the architecture it was time to fill the home with the items that God purchased to fill the home. I can safely say that the family was taken care of by God and that we were able to be the hands and feet of our Lord to help accomplish this. We took pictures with the family and said our farewells. We were invited back by the family whenever we would like. My wife and I made multiple friends on this mission trip, from the 1 Mission staff to our fellow missionaries and the locals. Praise God for His family in the body of Christ!
As we left camp after packing and eating a tasty tamale meal provided by 1Mission we took the opportunity to explore down town Rocky Point and look at the beach and Sea of Cortez. We then departed home and had safe travels. As a capstone we reached our apartment and got settled.
Ashley reminded me I was to coach football that night. I could not believe I forgot! I love coaching and spending time with the 5th and 6th grade tackle football players. I was sitting on my couch and I was in amazement that earlier in the morning I was in the barrio helping create a home for a family in need and now I was back in Glendale and preparing to coach some amazing kids at a sport I love. What a blessing it is to live in the United States, One Nation Under God. Our currency in the U.S. has imprinted on it, “In God We trust”. God has truly blessed this nation. I say this not blinded by the fact that poverty runs ramped all over the world, the U.S. is no exception. We must realize that there is Sin all over this world in all different forms. Here in America we have the same as well as different struggles. We also have so much opportunity and resources. The world is fallen all we can do is be vessels for the Lord to use as best as we can.

But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard."

Hey ya'all, Ashley here! Happy Sunday. Our final day in Mexico was amazing. After finishing the home we had a ceremony where we prayed over the house and blessed the family with the keys to their new home. They walked into the house and were full of smiles with everything God helped us fill it with. This was the exact moment their house became a home. It was a really beautiful moment and I knew God was smiling. He strategically places us as people in the right spot at the right time. God never fails your life. He is always in control. I remind myself this from time to time. It's god's will not ours. This puts me at so much peace with life and the mountains and hills that stand in front of us because He will not let us fall. He gives us the strength and courage to climb! This trip really filled our hearts and strengthened my husband and I as one. We continue to pray for our family we were so blessed to help. Our hearts our eager and ready for Haiti! I'm so excited to have my husband by my side and I can't wait to take Christmas to the little ones! We are so thankful for God and everyone who has helped and pushed us towards our hearts biggest desires.

If your looking to go on your first mission but don't know where to start; I highly recommend 1MISSION. It's a weekend trip and you won't regret it. God doesn't only change the circumstances and hearts of the families your building for, he changes your heart. The next mission to Mexico is in February. Here is the link :




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